So I have never been a really big fan of Valentines Day and this year wasn't any different. I fought Victor for a month before and tried to convince him that we could just eat peanut butter, honey, and banana sandwiches (very yummy!) and watch a movie instead of making a big deal about it but I finally gave in...
When I got back to the dorm after my class on Friday there was a beautiful vase of gerber daisies on my desk. Victor was at state wrestling all day Friday and Saturday but he drove down during his lunch break and got in cahoots with my roommates to get the flowers up to my room before I got back from class.
For Valentines Day we went to Ruby River Steakhouse for dinner and it was so good. Victor then taught me how to make hemp bracelets, something I have wanted to learn how to do for months, and we watched Second Hand Lions. All-in-all Valentines Day turned out to be a lot less painful than I thought it would be. :)